Jane E. Churpek
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Discovery Spotlight

Jane E. Churpek, MD, MS


Associate Professor
Department of Medicine


Genetics and mechanisms of hereditary cancer and bone marrow failure


Dr. Churpek is a translational cancer geneticist and hematologist/oncologist with a clinical practice caring for individuals with hereditary cancer and bone marrow failure susceptibility and a laboratory focused on understanding the genetics and mechanisms underlying these diseases. A major research focus is to understand early events in cancer and bone marrow failure initiation and how endogenous and exogenous exposures interact with inherited genetics to make some individuals at particularly high risk for these diseases. Our work uses family and population-based human samples and genomics to discover novel rare inherited risk factors for understudied cancer and blood disorder populations as well as mouse and cellular model systems to determine mechanism. A major goal is to translate these findings to the clinic to realize cancer and blood disorder prevention.

